Pi Kappa Alpha Chapter List

ListPi Kappa Alpha Chapter ListList


Pi Kappa Alpha realizes students enrolled in college, first and foremost, must get a quality education. Consistent with this philosophy, the Fraternity places a strong emphasis on scholarship and on educating our members both inside and outside of the classroom.


Pi Kappa Alpha provides a valuable arena for developing and honing leadership skills that will benefit the individual member throughout his life. In addition, Pi Kappa Alpha promotes leadership through campus involvement, by encouraging its members to take on positions of leadership in other organizations.


Pi Kappa Alpha believes athletic competition can provide valuable benefits to college students, because it encourages young men to challenge each other and to perform at their highest levels. Pi Kappa Alpha is dedicated to inspiring its members to compete and push themselves in everything they do.


Pi Kappa Alpha is dedicated to developing men of integrity, intellect, and high moral character and to fostering a truly lifelong fraternal experience. Pike recruits quality gentlemen – men that respect themselves, their peers, and their communities, as stated in our True Pike values.
Pi kappa alpha chapter list

Pi Kappa Alpha Chapter List

Pi kappa alpha chapter list

Pi Kappa Alpha Chapter List

The Bushnell Guild rented a chapter house at 1701 L Street until the spring of 1922 when the fraternity purchased a residence at 1141 D Street. In that same year, the Bushnell Guild began negotiations with Pi Kappa Alpha for a national charter. The Guild was visited by the Grand President of Pi Kappa Alpha on April 10, 1922. Pi Kappa Alpha is an international leader in the fraternity experience. With over 305,000 lifetime initiates, our network reaches from Los Angeles, CA to New York, NY, and all across North America. Get a jump-start on your college career by joining. Active Chapter List. Phi Kappa Tau Pi Kappa Alpha. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) Alpha.